Leadership Book

The Ten Keys is a team building road map for driving performance in a bottom-line world. It is based on the lifetime body of work of Dr. Bill DeMarco, an expert in building and leading high performing teams and organizations. A recognized leadership and culture change consultant, scholar, and executive, the Ten Keys is based on his team building experiences with dozens of world class organizations on five continents. It is practical guide for creating/enhancing effective teams in small, medium, and large organizations. It provides insights, tools, exercises and real world anecdotes. The book concludes with a personal feedback questionnaire that can both help readers better gauge how they are doing as well as plan for greater team building success.

Recent readers of The Ten Keys have described it as:

“Dr. Bill DeMarco has it right when he targets ‘inspiring willing effort’ as the key objective of team work  .. it is for people who are trying to understand why some teams work and why some don’t. ”                     –  Chris Jackson, COO – AGF Management Limited

“Gets to the core of the issue quickly and in a way that can be absorbed fast… No fad information, just core enduring concepts that underlie successful teams.”

             – Peter Suma,  CEO & Director – Applied Brain Research Inc.

“Pragmatic and practical advice for all leaders… A quick read that gets to the heart of the issues and leaves you with an excellent toolkit for putting the ideas immediately into practice.”

              – Dr. Michael Maginn, President – Singularity Group

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