The Life Strategy Workshop


Irrespective of your title or organizational responsibilities, as well as whether you have advanced degrees, no degrees, or something in between, our successful weekend workshops will provide an all too-rare opportunity for inspiration, introspection, innovation, and invigoration.

  • Inspiration… interact with great ideas, great lives and great “moments of truth” … historic and fictional lives committed to authentic behaviour
  • Introspection reflect on the great ideas, great lives, and great “moments of truth” that have influenced your life values and behaviour
  • Innovation… create new/expanded ways of looking at your universe of relationships
  • Invigoration… enhance your social network with fellow travelers in search of answers to LifesBigQuestion – What do I do with the rest of my life

The workshops are not therapy, not coaching, not faith-based, and definitely not “head in the clouds” stuff. Instead, they are journeys of personal discovery where you work individually and in small groups to unlock the mysteries of why you think and behave the way you do. Dr. Bill DeMarco, a workshop leader with over twenty-five years experience helping thousands of life travelers like yourself, provides context and guidance. Our workshops ultimately make it possible to develop a personal plan of action which is based on the bedrock of what makes you tick.


Greater Understanding of

What are your real values 
What makes you truly happy
What you really want to achieve… by when
What you need to do to make it happen…how to measure progress

Naturally only YOU can act on your plan. helps you develop the mindset and tools required to make a difference in your universe of relationships.

 Invest in YOUR Life!

The Life Strategy Workshop is a one-day (typically Saturday) program.   Based on what we have heard from others, this may well be one of your best investments in time and money in years!

The  Life Strategy Workshop provides  readings and exercises, which become an integral part of your Workshop experience. By the end of the Workshop, you will have the fundamentals of a personal Life Strategy Plan based on your values, your dreams, your goals, and your commitments. Post Workshop materials are also provided.



Our next session is 

Making Retirement Personally Meaningful


Click here to REGISTER.